Saturday, October 5, 2019

Software Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Software Engineering - Essay Example Software requirements, 2. Software design, 3.Software construction, 4. Software testing, 5. Software maintenance, 6. Software configuration and management, 7. Software engineering management, 8. Software engineering process, 9. Software engineering tools and methods, 10. Software quality, and 11. Knowledge areas of related disciplines (Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Mathematics, Project Management, Quality Management, Software Ergonomics, and Systems Engineering) (SWEBOK, 2004 p. 1-2). Software engineers, therefore, must be proficient with the latter knowledge areas to handle every software engineering projects properly, successfully and efficiently. The software engineering project being studied at hand is the Chat Application. According to the given case, the status of which is that there is an unexpected disappearing messages that caused the team one extra week to debug. Further, the Director for Software Services has the following comments, impressions and questions: 1. She is not pleased with the delay, 2. She comes to one of the status meetings to find out what happened, 3. She states, Your team has been testing this application for weeks and didnt find any problems, 4. She asked, Why didnt you find the problem sooner?, and 5. She also asked, Is there any way we can kept this from happening again? As a member of the team, she wants you to discuss the following: 1. Your opinion on testing, 2. Whether an application that passes testing is free from errors, 3. Whether it is possible to design a test that will find all potential errors in the Chat Application, 4. What other techniques or strategies can developers use in conjunction with testing. Software testing consists of the dynamic verification of the behavior of a program on a finite set of test cases, suitably selected from the usually infinite executions domain, against the expected behavior.†(SWEBOK, 2004 p. 5-1) Based on the above authoritative

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